
Engineering Ethics and Conflicts of Interest 

Presented by: Tara Hoke, General Counsel at ASCE, Member Virginia Bar

Wednesday, Jan  22, 2025

Time: 11:30AM - 1:00 PM (ET)

About the Speaker:

Ms. Tara Hoke is General Counsel at the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the Virginia Bar. In addition to serving as ASCE's legal counsel in matters of contract law, intellectual property, and other matters, Tara oversees ASCE's professional conduct committee and writes a bimonthly column A Question of Ethics, which is published in Civil Engineering magazine. Tara also serves as Secretary for the Committee on Publication Ethics, a UK-based charity that provides ethics guidance for scholarly publishers.

Presentation Details

Approximately one-hour presentation will discuss ethical issues related to conflicts of interest. What are the drivers that lead us into conflicts of interest and when do conflicts rise to the level of an ethics violations? A review of case studies will explore when conflicts of interest should be disclosed, when they violate ethical and professional standards, why perception can matter as much as reality, and why this is an important and relevant topic for the profession.

MHT Potpourri: Updates on Recent Archeology Projects in Maryland

Presented by: Zachary L. Singer, Ph.D.

Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024

Time: 11:30A - 1P

About the Presentation

Dr. Zac Singer will present several interesting archaeology projects that the Maryland Historic Trust has conducted over the last few years. Projects to be highlighted include discovering several Colonial domestic structures via geophysical surveys and deep testing excavations to locate a 13,000 year old camp site.

About the Speaker

Dr. Zachary Singer is a State Terrestrial Archaeologist at the Maryland Historical Trust. He received his B.A. Degree from the University of Maryland and his M.A. and Ph.D. Degrees from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Zac’s research interests include archaeological geophysics, 3d photogrammetry, lithic technologies, and the Paleoindian period in Eastern North America.

Presented by: Jessee Scarborough, PE

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Time: 11:30A - 1P

About the Speaker

Mr. Scarborough is a Senior Geotechnical Engineer with Specialized Engineering here in Frederick.  He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia, and graduate degrees from the University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech.  He is Board Certified in Geotechnical Engineering, and has more than 30 years of professional experience as a Geotechnical Engineer in dealing with sinkhole issues. Mr. Scarborough has authored more than two dozen publications, including five on sinkholes and karst.

Location: Dutch's Daughter

581 Himes Ave Frederick, MD 21703 

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Cost: $25 Members / $35 Non-Members

Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring Instrumentation

Presented by: Rabi Shankar S. Yadava, PhD, PE

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Time: 11:30A - 1P

About the Presentation: Approximately one-hour presentation will cover need for geotechnical and structural monitoring instrumentation, most common types of instrumentation and their applications, components of a robust system, major instrumentation and hardware manufacturer’s, wireless technology and lesson learnt in over 15 years.

About the Speaker

Rabi Shankar S. Yadava, PhD, PE is a Principal Engineer for Terracon’s Gaithersburg, MD, office with 33 years of experience in managing, supervising, analysis and design of various types of super-structures and sub-structures using national and internation codes. He received BTech degree in Civil Engineering from IIT Kharagpur (1990), MTech degree in Offshore Structural Engineering (1992) and PhD Degree (1998) from IIT Bombay, India. His doctoral research titled “Optimal Design of Offshore Jacket Platforms considering Soil Structure Interaction” involved combined analysis of super-structure and sub-structure, consisting of deep piles, considering soil structure interaction. He is a licensed professional engineer in MD, VA, DC, NJ, NY, PA, TX and MN.

Rabi Yadava has extensive experience in the fields of structural engineering, geo-structural engineering, automated web-based geotechnical and structural monitoring. His industry experience includes fossil and nuclear power plants, wind turbine generator foundations, dams, tunnels, petrochemical complexes, buildings, and highway structures.

In the field of geotechnical and structural instrumentation and monitoring, Rabi Yadava has been the lead instrumentation engineer for Blue Plains Tunnel Project (DC), First Street Tunnel Project (DC), Southwest Light Rail Project (Minneapolis), I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacement (Syracuse). He has been automation lead for Isabella dam (near Bakersfield), West Vail Pass Dam(CO) and Pipe Stem Dam (ND).

Location: Dutch's Daughter

581 Himes Ave Frederick, MD 21703 

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Cost: $25 Members / $35 Non-Members

National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center

Presented by: National Park Service Hosts

July 17, 2024

Time: 11:30A

Limit: 20 people

Cost: Free

Bag Lunches to be provided by the Branch

About the Field Trip and Presentation: The field trip will begin promptly at 11:30 at the Historic Preservation Training Center where there will be bag lunches served and a 30-minute presentation by our National Park Service Hosts.  This will be followed by a visit to a nearby preservation project (The Best Farm) where will be able to see preservation techniques actually employed.  The group will disperse from the Best Farm project.

Click here to learn more about the Gambrill House (Edgewood) Monocacy National Battlefield on the National Park Service Site and read the history of the Gambrill Mansion!

Location: Historic Preservation Training Center
4801 Urbana Pike, Frederick, MD 21704

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Cost: FREE!

Concrete Lessons Learned

Presented by: Javeed Munshi

May 15, 2024

11:30A - 1P

About the Presentation: This presentation will cover general lessons and best practices related to concrete materials, design and construction collected over 30 years from across multiple projects and regions.  Also, emerging trends in materials, design and construction to improve cost, schedule and sustainability will be highlighted..

About the Speaker: Javeed is Concrete SME and ACI Fellow with over 35 years of experience. He is the lead company technical resource in setting standards for quality, efficiency, automation and innovation of engineered concrete construction.  He also supports our internal and external customers and projects across Bechtel in resolving critical and challenging technical issues that come up during project execution.

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

REGISTRATION AGREEMENT: Unless otherwise noted, registration is due by Noon, the Monday prior to the event. Reservations are considered confirmed and billable Noon Monday prior to the event. You must contact us by email ( by the event registration deadline if you need to withdraw your attendance (free of charge). ASCE Maryland bills registered attendees firmly, as Dutch's Daughter bills ASCE Catoctin Branch firmly once we have submitted our list of attendees, i.e. ASCE Catoctin Branch is contractually required to pay the Dutch's Daughter for no-shows. 

By registering, you agree with these terms and agree to pay the full registration price if cancellation is not made by the registration deadline. 

Roadway Design in Washington County

Presented by: Pamela Mohn, P.E., Chief of Design, Division of Engineering

April 17, 2024

11:30A - 1P

About the Presentation: With 900 miles of roads that Washington County maintains currently, why do we need more?  It takes a village to build a road, and the process to construction is full of hills and curves.

About the Speaker: Pamlea Mohn is a graduate of the University of Maryland with over 30 years experience.  She spent over 20 years with a private design firm and has been with Washington County for the last 10 years and is currently the Chief of Design.

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

REGISTRATION AGREEMENT: Unless otherwise noted, registration is due by Noon, the Monday prior to the event. Reservations are considered confirmed and billable Noon Monday prior to the event. You must contact us by email ( by the event registration deadline if you need to withdraw your attendance (free of charge). ASCE Maryland bills registered attendees firmly, as Dutch's Daughter bills ASCE Catoctin Branch firmly once we have submitted our list of attendees, i.e. ASCE Catoctin Branch is contractually required to pay the Dutch's Daughter for no-shows. 

By registering, you agree with these terms and agree to pay the full registration price if cancellation is not made by the registration deadline. 

Harpers Ferry Rock Fall Stabilization Project

Presented by: Justin Koers, Jon P. Burns, P.E., Tom Pochatko, P.E., & Representative from Access Limited

March 20, 2024

11:30A - 1P

About the Presentation: Our topic this month is the Harpers Ferry rock fall stabilization project recently completed on US 340. US 340 along the Shenandoah River was built in the mid-1950s. The cut slopes and exposed rock tower from 150 to more than 300 feet above the roadway. The project required closing US 340 from September through December to remove rock and install rockfall barriers above US 340 where it hugs the Shenandoah River just south of Harpers Ferry. US 340 is a high-traffic volume corridor carrying about 24,500 vehicles a day including local, commuter, and truck traffic from West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland. This project impacted almost all of us in the Catoctin Branch area.

The contract called for stabilizing the corridor through rock slope scaling, localized rock bolting, and removal of potential large scale rockfall hazards. Additionally, the slope required rockfall mitigation efforts including draped and pinned mesh, ground-level rockfall barriers, and on-slope rockfall attenuator systems.

Our speakers will discuss their approach to the design, traffic coordination with other States, and the challenges encountered during construction.

About the Speakers: 

Justin Koers – Triton Construction Area Manager

Mr. Koers has spent over 5 years with Triton Construction, where him and his team are managing multiple projects throughout Western Maryland and the WV Eastern Panhandle. He has 15+ years of Heavy Civil Construction experience on the contractor’s side. Mr. Koers, as a resident of Jefferson County WV where him and his family/friends were directly affected by the project and detour, acted as the project manager for Triton Construction.

Jon P. Burns, P.E. – WVDOH Area Construction Engineer

Graduated from WVU with BSCE in 1993.  Has bee with WVDOH since 1994 in various capacities and has been Area Engineer since June, 2008.

Tom Pochatko, P.E. –President & CEO of Infinite Engineering

Foundation Design Engineer for project

Representative from Access Limited

Rock Slope Mitigation Subcontractor will discuss project challenges and specialized equipment utilized.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Forensic Investigations and Lessons

Presented by: Stephen Dlugos, PE

February 21, 2024

11:30A - 1P

About the Speaker: Mr. Dlugos has over 36 years of engineering experience as a Consulting engineer for building and civil structures, exterior wall systems, windows, masonry, waterproofing, coatings, roofing, historic structures, and general construction. Technical oversight of repair and restoration work and construction opinions of costs. Failure investigations, forensic engineering, and expert testimony in litigation work. 

About the Presentation: Forensic engineering is the application of engineering principles to the investigation of failures or other performance problems.  Forensic engineering also involves testimony on the findings of these investigations before a court of law or other judicial forum, when required.  Failures are not all catastrophic, such as when a building or bridge collapses, but include facilities or parts of facilities that do not perform as intended by the owner, design professional, or constructor.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Avoiding Big Headaches with Small Ponds

Presented by: John Roche, P.E.

January 17, 2024

11:30A - 1P

This presentation will discuss the evolving landscape of small pond design and approval criteria in Maryland, and offer tips and advice to keep your project on track.

About the Speaker: John Roche, P.E. serves as the Chief of the MDE Dam Safety Permits Division and the primary point of contact for geotechnical engineering related matters. John also has experience with facilitating dam removal projects, emergency response and preparedness activities, policy development, and process improvement. Prior to joining the Dam Safety Division, John spent nearly 10 years as a geotechnical engineering consultant in the Mid-Atlantic and New England states serving as a project manager for a wide array of geotechnical, environmental, and geothermal projects. He maintains active professional registration in three states and serves on the Executive Board and multiple committees for the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees


Managing The Hydrologic Legacy of Disturbed Compacted Urban Soils

Presented by: Stu Schwartz

November 15, 2023

Standard landscaping practices with cut-and-fill mass grading have produced a pervasive legacy of disturbed compacted urban soil profiles that limit infiltration, root growth, and vegetation success, and increase stormwater runoff from the urban pervious landscape. Dramatic increases in hydrologic services and vegetation success can be purposefully restored using sustainable grading practices, but current standards and impervious area removal credits offer no incentives to change “standard practice”. This presentation describes means and methods to reliably restore environmental services in urban pervious landscapes, as well as the stormwater credit and life cycle cost incentives that can incentivize and institutionalize the standard use of these practices. Disturbed compacted urban soil profiles represent a pervasive hydrologic legacy and a significant opportunity to improve hydrologic design, stormwater management, and restore hydrologic function to the urban pervious landscape.

About the Speaker: Stu Schwartz is a Senior Research Scientist at UMBC’s Center for Urban Environmental Research and Educations (CUERE). His research focuses on water resource systems analysis, green infrastructure, and urban hydrologic science. Before joining UMBC, he directed the Center for Environmental Science Technology and Policy at Cleveland State University; was Associate Director of the Water Resources Research Institute at the University of North Carolina, and Directed the Section for Cooperative Water Supply Operations (COOP) at the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

Livable Frederick Master Plan

All Hands On Deck:

How the Allied Professions Can Create A More Livable Frederick

Presented by: Denis Superczynski

October 18, 2023

With the adoption of a new strategic plan for Frederick County – the Livable Frederick Master Plan – land owners, engineers, architects, lenders, builders, and planners have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rewrite the conventional script for how growth occurs in our community. Where conventional tools fall short, the combined expertise and wisdom of the allied land development professions will be brought to bear on the new challenges of placemaking in Frederick County. 

About the Speaker: Denis is currently serving as a key member of the County’s long-range planning team in the Livable Frederick Office of Planning and Design and contributed to the development of the Livable Frederick Master Plan (2019). Prior to that, he worked across the state of Maryland including serving as a Natural Resources Planner in Kent County and as an Adjunct Professor at University of Maryland College Park. He spent 10 years in Western Massachusetts working in regional planning completing master plans, military base joint land use studies, and implementation plans to tackle Combined Sewer Overflow challenges in aging cities. He possesses a BS in Planning and Architecture from the Catholic University of America.

Case Studies in Engineering Ethics

Presented by: Tara Hoke

September 20

This session will review the ASCE Code of Ethics as applied to real life cases drawn from ASCE’s case file or other engineering sources. The presentation will explore common themes that lead to ethical failure and will discuss how individuals can contribute to an ethical culture in their professional workplace.

About the Speaker: Tara Hoke is General Counsel at the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the Virginia Bar. She is a 2005 graduate of Georgetown Law and served as Assistant General Counsel for nine years prior to her promotion in January 2015. In addition to serving as ASCE's legal counsel, Tara oversees ASCE's professional conduct committee and writes a bimonthly column A Question of Ethics, which is published in Civil Engineering magazine. Tara also serves as Secretary for the Committee on Publication Ethics, a UK-based charity that provides ethics guidance for scholarly publishers.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

May PDH Lunch and Learn

Using Myers-Briggs for Project Success!

Deb Richmond

In this session we’ll do a quick recap of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and how it can be used for project success.  Don't worry if you don't know or remember your innate type because you'll have the chance to make a best guess. We’ll discuss why it’s important to understand your personality type, the team type, and the project type.  Yes, teams and projects have personality types! By understanding how others direct and receive energy, take in information, make decisions, and are oriented toward the world, you can identify strengths and blind spots that you and a project team might face. A tool will be provided to cover your bases with team members of all types for more effective decision making, problem solving, and strategic planning.

About the Speaker

Deb Richmond is a business and engineering leader who has spent most of her career in large high-tech computer companies. She began her career as a microprocessor design engineer for Motorola (designer of the world's first 32-bit microprocessor), managed state-of-the-art application development at Johns Hopkins Hospital, architected highly available UNIX enterprise solutions for Digital Equipment Corporation and Informix customers, held leadership roles in sales engineering management and business operations for Sun Microsystems, and directed operations for MedStar Health's clinical simulation centers. For the past 9 years, she has been a project and change management consultant for the Department of the Treasury, Frederick County government and UMBC.

Deb started as a civil engineering undergraduate and then switched to electrical.  She jokes with her civil engineering husband and daughter that she "saw the light".  Deb holds a B.S.E.E. with Honors from Lafayette College, is a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, Certified CMMI Associate, Project Management Professional (PMP), and a Certified Practitioner of the MBTI Step I and Step II Instruments.

Deb was born and raised in Frederick, and is currently President of the Frederick High School Alumni Association.  She resides in Ellicott City, MD

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

March PDH Lunch and Learn

Foundation Construction at The Wharf, Phase 2, Washington DC

Joseph K. Cavey, P.E. & Anthony Passaro

The Wharf – Phase 2 Horizontal project consists of two below grade parking structures covering an approximately 7-acre construction footprint with excavation depths of up to 30’. The project site is located in Southwest D.C. and has numerous technical challenges due to the surrounding conditions. The site is bounded by Maine Avenue to the north, the Washington Channel to the south, and active streets to the east and west. The WMATA Green Line sweeps through the northern third of the jobsite and the garages are built over top and within 10’ of the side of the southern WMATA tunnel. There is also an active 108” diameter DC Water outfall pipe running north/south through the center of the jobsite between the two garages. 

About the Speaker

Joseph K. Cavey, P.E, Vice President, Southeast Business Unit.  Joe has a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University and a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering from Northwestern University.  He is a registered professional engineer in MD, DC, VA, and PA.  Joe started with Hayward Baker 29 years ago, working as a field engineer on several large chemical grouting projects for the Washington Metro’s Green Line Tunnels.  Since then, Joe has managed projects in all types of specialty geotechnical construction, including compaction grouting, chemical grouting, jet grouting, caisson repair, cement grouting, soil mixing, micropiles, dynamic compaction, vibro-replacement, vibro concrete columns, and vibro compaction.  Joe has authored over 10 papers on various subjects in geotechnical design and construction.​ 

Anthony Passaro, Project Executive, Southeast Business Unit.  Anthony has a Bachelors Degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Clarkson University.  After graduation, Anthony spent 5 years with a large general contractor in DC, followed by 5 years at a design/build retaining wall company.  Anthony started with Hayward Baker 22 years ago, as a project manager.  Since then, Anthony has held many roles within the organization, most recently as the Operations Manager in the Mid-Atlantic, then as the Operations Manager for the Southeast Business Unit of Keller.  Currently, Anthony is a Project Executive and the Business Development lead in the Mid-Atlantic area.  During his career, Anthony has managed various types of projects, including soil mixing, jet grouting, micropiles, compaction grouting, vibropiers, anchors, and support of excavation projects.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

February PDH Lunch and Learn

Preservation of Reinforced Concrete

Eric Williams, Vector Corrosion Technologies

Corrosion of steel within concrete is one the single largest issues facing our nation’s infrastructure. De-icing chemicals and saltwater marine environments (to name a few) are absorbed into the concrete causing the steel to corrosion and expand which results in cracking, spalling, delamination, and failure of these structures.

In this presentation we will review case studies where concrete repairs were conducted using cathodic protection. Some of these solutions include embedded galvanic anodes, galvanic encasements, electro-chemical treatments as well as solutions for corroding strands for bonded Post Tensioning.


Lastly, the construction industry is the largest consumer of resources and raw materials in the world and approximately 40% of solid waste comes from construction and demolition.  Technologies such as these provide engineers a cost effective, low maintenance option for sustainable repair that will keep our structures in a safe, working condition for future generations.

About the Speaker

Eric Williams is the National Sales Manager in the US for Vector Corrosion Technologies. Eric works with the Business Development Group throughout the US to aid in the preservation of steel reinforced structures facing corrosion issues. Eric is an ICRI member where he is actively involved in several chapters and a member of the Corrosion Committee as well as a member of the AMPP Technical Committee for Transportation.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

January PDH Lunch and Learn

Engineers as First Responders: Local Edition

Dr. Marie LaBaw, P.E.

About the Speaker

S Marie LaBaw P.E. (PhD)- Engineer with the Office of the Fire Marshal in Montgomery County Maryland and Structures Specialist for Maryland Task Force 1 (MDTF1). In addition to five years experience as a firefighter, Dr. LaBaw has twenty one years engineering experience, 4 in private sector and 17 focused on emergency operations as a Fire Marshal. Her master’s degree concentrated in structural forensics and her 2009 dissertation “Earth Pressure Determination in Trench Rescue Shoring Systems” was the first peer reviewed engineering publication focused on trench rescue. In 2017 she participated in an engineering task force assembled to develop the building blocks of a trench rescue shoring guide and as a result co-authored “Emergency Trench Shoring and Rescue: A Simplified Method for Calculating Lateral Earth Pressures” (Advances in Civil Engineering) with Dr. Oliver-Denzil Taylor in 2018. Dr. LaBaw is on call for Montgomery County Fire and Rescue and has operated at local incidents as requested since 2007. Recent local responses include a 2018 Baltimore City fatal excavation failure, the 2021 Frederick County Line of Duty Death, and the 2022 Baltimore City Line of Duty Deaths. She most recently worked the Quince Orchard Blvd fatal garden apartment explosion in November 2022. She has also been part of many national deployments during her time with MDTF1, including the 2021 Champlain Tower collapse and most recently Hurricane Ian in October 2022.

Cost: $25 (Members), $35 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

November Lunch & Learn - Catoctin Branch

Future Development Plans: City of Frederick
Presented by Tracy Ann Coleman, PE

Tracy is responsible for managing and administering all duties and responsibilities of the Engineering Department for the City of Frederick. Her areas of responsibility include all aspects of traffic, utilities, stormwater and floodplain engineering. Other responsibilities include providing surveying services, administering all development review of both developer and City projects, and oversight of of the Building Division which administers all building, electric, plumbing and gas permits. She provides engineering expertise during the development of comprehensive plans, through the subdivision and site plan process, and in drafting various legal documents including easements, agreements, and City code.

Cost: $25 (Members), $30 (Non-Members)

Payment: Pay Online or Checks made out to ASCE-MD at the door

Location: Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant
581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

1 PDH Available for Attendees

October 2022 Meeting - Updates on Flood Mitigation in Ellicott City, Maryland
Presented by Mark Richmond (Howard County)

About the Speaker

Mark is the Chief of the Stormwater Management Division in the Howard County Department of Public Works. He has worked as a professional engineer in Maryland for over 35 years for both a private consulting engineering firm and for County government. Mark earned a BS degree in Civil Engineering from Lafayette College and an MS degree in Environmental Systems Engineering from Clemson University. His main area of expertise is in water resources, specifically leading projects in stream restoration, flood mitigation, stormwater management, and water quality treatment projects.

September Meeting - Why our future is bright--an exploration of the transformation of Maryland's natural and built infrastructure

Join us for a presentation titled: Why our future is bright--an exploration of the transformation of Maryland's natural and built infrastructure

Climate change is overwhelming the physical infrastructure of Maryland's built and natural systems. Lives have been lost to flooding and livelihoods lost in industries that a warming climate can no longer support. MDE takes on the immense challenge of building wastewater and stormwater and coastal infrastructure that protect when weather is wetter and wilder and sea levels innundate and intrude. We must do this while keeping transportation and water supply and industry clean and running. And we must simultaneously acknowledge and then change the fact that historic, systemic racism means that some Maryland communities are unfairly and disproportionately impacted by the threat of extreme weather and pollution.


The challenge requires the transformation of Maryland's landscape--both built and natural. This is THE opportunity to reimagine a future that is equitable, cleaner, greener/bluer, safer with diverse economies that raise the social and economic well-being of all of us. While utopia will most likely remain an aspiration, this talk will address the practical steps that your state government is taking to strengthen infrastructure and replant natural buffers. It will highlight how Maryland is leading the nation and the world in building a better future. 

Suzanne Dorsey has a doctorate in Coastal Oceanography, and masters in Marine Science. Her background includes research science, grassroots environmentalism, education and public service. She emphasizes connections to the environment and works to find ways for all people to relate to and then appreciate the environment. An ecologist, she focuses on the interconnectivity between different habitats and between humans and habitats. Today she works towards a more equitable, greener/bluer decarbonized future.

Join us for a presentation titled: Beirut Blast Wave 

At 6:08 PM, on Tuesday 4 August 2020, a catastrophic explosion took place at the Port of Beirut caused by the detonation of about 2,750 metric tons (3031 US short tons) of ammonium nitrate (equivalent to around 1.1 kilotons of TNT) that had been stored in a warehouse at the Port for over 6 years. The explosion, which is considered to be one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosions in history [1], was equivalent to about a tenth of the intensity of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb and was detected by the United States Geological Survey as a seismic event of magnitude 3.3 [2], despite inefficient transmission of the shock waves into the ground. The seismic waves were recorded by seismographs in Syria, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, and parts of Europe. The explosion was heard in Cyprus, more than 250 km (160 mi) away. The explosion resulted in the obliteration of the Port of Beirut, which is situated in the heart of Beirut and is responsible for about 70% of the maritime trade in Lebanon, leaving a crater roughly 124 m (407 ft) in diameter and 43 m (141 ft) in depth. It also flattened nearby buildings, severely destroyed three major hospitals and many schools in Beirut, resulted in at least 230 deaths, 6,700 injuries, US$10-15 billion in property damage, and left an estimated 70,000 homes damaged and 300,000 people homeless. In the wake of the explosion, and in response to the unprecedented magnitude of the devastation that affected homes and infrastructure, the Federation of Lebanese Engineers called upon volunteers to help with the assessment of the safety of the homes affected by the explosion. Members of the board of the ASCE Lebanon Section as well as many student chapters supported this volunteer effort in different ways.


The presentation will give a brief history of the ASCE Lebanon Section, elaborate on the explosion and its aftermath, and will briefly describe the efforts undertaken by volunteers from the ASCE Lebanon Section.

Michel Bouchedid, MS, PE, M.ASCE  Michel Bouchedid, Operations Manager for Bouchedid Contracting and Development in Beirut Lebanon, has over 20 years of experience in all phases of project delivery. He obtained his BS in Civil Engineering from Notre Dame University, Lebanon in 2001, an MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Maine with an emphasis on Geotechnical Engineering in 2004, and an MBA from the University of Washington in 2013. During his 10-year career with CH2M HILL (currently Jacobs) in the USA, he worked on numerous projects including highways and bridges, ports, tunnels, airports, light rail, wastewater treatment plants, and water conveyance systems. He started his career as a geotechnical design engineer and his latest assignment before leaving CH2M HILL was Program Support Manager working directly with the Executive Program Manager for the delivery of the $30 Billion King Abdulaziz Project for Riyadh Public Transport, in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. During his career in the USA, Michel was heavily involved with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), serving in multiple officer positions in his local Section in Seattle including the President of the Geotechnical Group. Currently, Michel is serving as the president-elect of the ASCE Lebanon Section and the president of the NDU Engineering Alumni Group.

Join us for a Presentation titled: Dam Removal  

Dam removal is now a common strategy for managing our nation’s aging infrastructure and correcting the environmental impacts of deadbeat dams. However, managers must make decisions regarding if and how to remove dams, and how to address stakeholder concerns about potential negative effects, regardless of whether these concerns are warranted at a particular site. In this seminar, I will present an overview of how dams are removed, and the common concerns and design issues that managers and stakeholders face prior to, during, and following dam removals

Desiree Tullos, Ph.D., PE (OR). is a Professor in the Biological and Ecological Engineering Department at Oregon State University. Her research emphasizes the sustainable engineering and management of rivers. Projects focus on questions that range from the particle to basin scale, including a) Physical and biological responses to dam removal; b) analysis of reservoir operations in systems undergoing change; c) Turbulence and habitat of flow around vegetation and wood in rivers, and d) Sustainable flood risk management and infrastructure. Her research also has an international dimension, as the PI of an NSF-funded project on hydropower development in China, examining mountain flood risk in India, and as a Fulbright scholar studying reservoir sediment management in Taiwan. She currently serves on the Independent Scientific Review Panel for Bonneville Power Administration’s Northwest Power and Conservation Council and the board of directors for the Natural Heritage Institute and has served on two National Research Council committees. Her teaching emphasizes design-based learning: River Engineering, Ecohydraulic Engineering, and Ecological Engineering – Systems Analysis. She has also served as the PI of an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program on Ecosystem Informatics for twelve years as part of a broader suite of activities aimed at advancing diversity in the STEM fields

Join us for a Presentation titled: The Changing World of Mobility 

Please join us for the "The Changing World of Mobility" presentation. Over the last two decades, mobility has become intertwined with technology.  As a result, not all transportation initiatives have been driven by the public sector or traditional transportation professionals.  The pandemic has both accelerated some trends and left us with uncertainty on future travel needs. This presentation addresses where we are going and potential opportunities through the new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)

Glenn Havinoviski, P.E. has emerged as one of the world's foremost experts in ITS development and transportation systems management over the last 37 years. He has served both as a practice builder and a practice leader, providing project management and technical leadership for ITS and traffic management projects both in the US and abroad. He currently leads Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson's ITS practice, applying his experience in ITS and CAV program planning and architecture, system design, deployment, and operations. He brings additional experience in managed lanes, active traffic management systems, and integrated corridor management, along with real-time traveler information, road pricing and transit signal priority. He has led or served in a key role for projects in 18 U.S. states, Mexico, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. For three years Glenn served as a core instructor in training workshops for the International Road Federation (IRF), providing background to engineers in the Middle East on ITS and integrated mobility strategies 

Join us for a Presentation titled: East Burk Street Bridge 

This presentation will tell the project story of East Burke Street Bridge Renovation. The bridge carries vehicle and pedestrian traffic over the Tuscarora Creek in downtown Martinsburg, West Virginia. We will give an overview of how the historic stone arch bridge survived the Civil War when the confederate forces destroyed the adjacent Colonnade Railroad Bridge.

Matt Lewellyn, PE has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Master of Business Administration from West Virginia University.  As B&N’s Transportation and Bridge Leader in the Parkersburg-WV office, he has dedicated his 24-year career to improving the infrastructure in WV one project at-a-time. WVDOT has given him the opportunity manage many projects including the renovation of the century-old Market Street Bridge over the Ohio River and the rehabilitation of the New River Gorge Bridge.  He has presented at several conferences including the National Bridge Preservation Partnership Conference showing his passion for topics related to bridge rehabilitation and preservation.


Travis Butz, PE Travis is a senior engineer in the Bridge Design Section of B&N’s Columbus, Ohio office. He specializes in bridge rehabilitation and in the design and analysis of complex structures. His structural analysis background includes prestressed concrete and post-tensioned structures, steel girder structures, steel truss structures, steel and concrete arch structures, and cable supported structures. Travis was the lead designer of the award-winning Rich Street Bridge in Columbus, Ohio, and led the river pier rehabilitation and widening for the Milton-Madison Bridge over the Ohio River in Madison, Indiana 

Join us for a Presentation titled: New American Legion Bridge 

This presentation will provide an update on Op Lanes Maryland and progress with its first major project the Phase 1: New American Legion Bridge I-270 to I-70 Traffic Relief Plan.

Speaker Bio

Jeffrey T. Folden, PE, DBIA currently serves as the Director of the I-495 & I-270 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Office where he is responsible to lead all efforts related to the Op Lanes Maryland program.  In his 20-year with MDOT SHA, Mr. Folden has focused on project development, including alternative project delivery. He began his career in 2001 in the Office of Highway Development, serving in multiple roles over his 16 years, including project manager, team leader, Acting Assistant Division Chief of Highway Design, and Assistant Division Chief and Division Chief of Innovative Contracting. In his roles in the Innovative Contracting Division, Jeff led the development of MDOT SHA's Construction Management at Risk process, MDOT SHA's first Progressive Design-Build project for the I-270 Innovative Congestion Management contract, and the overall Design-Build program, including the development of the MD 404 widening project. In 2017, Jeff moved to the newly formed I-495 & I-270 P3 Office as the Deputy Director.

a civil engineer with more than 25 years of professional experience is the DDOT Program Manager for the South Capitol Street Corridor Phase 1 design build project/Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge Project.  His career began as a design engineer and has progressively evolved gaining valuable experience in project management, program management, construction management, and dispute resolution. Dennis is a graduate of Morgan State University here in Maryland. 

Join us for a Presentation titled: Frederick Douglass Bridge

A tribute to an abolitionist leader will see its resurrection in the New Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge Project in Washington, D.C. The old bridge was years past its useful life, and construction of the new bridge deck was celebrated on September 7th at a ribbon cutting with Mayor Muriel Bowser and members of the Douglass Family.  The new bridge is more than just a span; it's an essential component in a revitalization plan as pedestrian overlooks, piers, and arches are part of the project.  The work called for replacing the 71-year-old bridge and reconstruction of the Suitland Parkway/I-295 interchange. Due to its age, condition, and functional limitations, the span itself has been classified functionally obsolete. Improvements include making the structure safer for cars and pedestrians, enhancing options for multimodal transportation, increasing access for the community, and supporting economic development on both sides of the river. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by December 14th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Dennis Howland a civil engineer with more than 25 years of professional experience is the DDOT Program Manager for the South Capitol Street Corridor Phase 1 design build project/Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge Project.  His career began as a design engineer and has progressively evolved gaining valuable experience in project management, program management, construction management, and dispute resolution. Dennis is a graduate of Morgan State University here in Maryland. 


Jon Whitney is a Vice President and professional engineer at HNTB with over 30 years of industry experience in transportation engineering. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University. He is currently working as HNTB project manager for South Capitol Street Corridor Phase 1/ Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge Project design build project leading a team of over 25 professionals supporting DDOT in delivering this iconic project. 

November Online Webinar Meeting - Goal Setting for Success

Join us for a Presentation titled: Goal Setting for Success

Goal setting is the master skill of success. Writing out goals is one of the most important things we can do. Yet less than 3% of people have ever taken the time to write out their lifetime goals. We discuss the importance of goal setting and value of writing down goals. We discuss how to develop major goals, a “major definite purpose” and corresponding detailed plans of action. We will do some exercises in which participants can write out their goals and action plans. We then show how the same personal goal setting methodology can be used effectively for professional goal setting for businesses and government, otherwise known as strategic planning.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by November 16th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Joel Oppenheimer is a Senior Vice President at STV Incorporated overseeing their Maryland Transportation and Infrastructure practice. He has more than 40 years of planning and engineering experience, a Masters Degree in Engineering Administration and is a professional engineer in Maryland and 8 other states. He began inspirational/motivational speaking in 2004 and has presented various seminars of his “Building a Better Life—Concrete Steps for Success” program more than 350 times.

October Online Webinar Meeting - Civil Engineers in the Civil War - The US Military Railroads 

Join us for a Presentation titled: Civil Engineers in the Civil War - The US Military Railroads

The United States War Department established the U.S. Military Railroad (USMRR) as a separate agency to operate any rail lines seized by the government during the American Civil War. An Act of Congress of 31 January 1862 authorized President Abraham Lincoln to take control of the railroads and telegraph for military use in January 1862. In practice, however, the USMRR restricted its authority to Southern rail lines captured during the war. As a separate organization for rail transportation, the USMRR is one of the predecessors of the modern United States Army Transportation Corps. It played a crucial role in the Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Savanah campaigns. Numerous civil engineers contributed to the successes of these campaigns. Two of those individuals were unsung heroes until recently. This talk is about them and how their story is now being told. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by September 14th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Mr. Michael B. O’Connor, New York University

Michael O’Connor, Retired Professional Civil Engineer (Maryland and California), M.ASCE, is a member of the ASCE Committee on Developing Leaders, History and Heritage, Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge (CEBoK), and Engineering Grades. Michael has been a practicing Civil Engineer with over 50 years of engineering, construction, and project management experience split equally between the public and private sectors. Programs ranged from the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit district’s 1990’s expansions in the East Bay and SFO Airport at three billion to the New Starts program for the Federal Transit Administration with over a hundred projects and $85 billion in construction value. At the latter, he also acted as source selection board chairman and program COTR for $200 plus million in task order contracts for engineering services. Working for the third-largest transit agency in the United States, the Los Angeles County MTA, Michael managed bus vehicle engineering for $1 billion in new acquisitions and post-delivery maintenance support for 2300 vehicles with some of the most complex technology (natural gas engines and embedded systems) in the US transit industry in the 1990s. Michael also has extensive experience as an instructor at New York University (five years), Howard University (four years), and California State University- San Francisco (ten years).

September Online Webinar Meeting - Maryland's Underground Damage Prevention Law - SB 877

Join us for a Presentation titled: Marylands Underground Damage Prevention Law - SB 877

SB 877, a bill making revisions to Maryland’s Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Law, was enacted earlier this year.  Our speaker will provide a full overview of the revisions to existing law enacted in the new legislation which became effective on March 12, as well as its impact on surveying, engineering design, and construction.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by September 14th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Susan joined the Miss Utility team in September of 2018 as the ITIC Coordinator and a member of the Damage Prevention and Safety Training Team.  Alongside industry experts, she travels throughout the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia sharing the dig safe message and training members of the excavation community on Maryland Title 12 and Washington D.C. Title 34 Law.  As a former educator, Susan enjoys meeting new people and hopes the importance of the 811 dig safe message encourages everyone to dig with an attitude of safety while promoting the goal of zero fatalities, zero injuries and zero damages.

June Online Webinar Meeting - Beyond Haunched Girders and Form Liners

Join us for a Presentation titled: Beyond Haunched Girders and Form Liners

What are the roots of our aesthetic enjoyment of bridges? This presentation answers that question by first looking at what are the roots of our aesthetic enjoyment of other art forms, like painting and sculpture. From that base we will explain the roots that underlie our enjoyment of bridges. Those basic concepts explain the appeal of haunched girders, and also the Swiss-Army-knife appeal of form liners that make concrete look like stone blocks. We will move on to exploring how those same concepts can be applied to improving the aesthetic appeal of bridge piers and towers. Finally, we will finish with an application of these ideas to the impending project to widen the American Legion Bridge over the Potomac River.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by June 15th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Fred Gottemoeller is considered America’s most distinguished expert on bridge aesthetics. Among his more than 30 bridges are crossings of the Colorado, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Potomac and Niagara Rivers and a crossing of a World Heritage waterway, Canada’s Rideau Canal. A recent bridge, the St. Croix River Crossing between Minnesota and Wisconsin, resolved a 20 year controversy, and has won multiple design awards. Bridgescape, his book on bridge aesthetics, is a familiar reference for bridge designers. Now retired, Fred is continuing to share his ideas and knowledge through articles in bridge publications, and by presentations like this.

May Online Webinar Meeting - New ASCE Code of Ethics

Join us for a Presentation on the New ASCE Code of Ethics

By weaving together ethical theory and practical, real-world cases, Carlos and Steve will show why ASCE's New Code of Ethics is, indeed, a "watershed moment" in engineering ethics.


Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by May 18th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Steven K. Starrett, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE, F.EWRI  became the Dean of Engineering and Engineering Technology at LeTourneau University in 2017. LeTourneau University, the Christian Polytechnic University, has been providing an innovative, hands-on engineering education since it was founded in Longview, Texas in 1946. Steven K. Starrett obtained a BS in civil engineering from Missouri University of Science & Technology in 1989. He obtained an M.S. and Ph.D. in civil engineering from Iowa State University in 1992 and 1994, respectively. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. Dr. Starrett served on the civil engineering faculty at Kansas State University for 23 years and was also the Director of the institutional wide Honor and Integrity System. Dr. Starrett served as the ASCE-Environmental and Water Resources Institute President in 2017. In 2017, Dr. Starrett received the prestigious Professional Practice Ethics and Leadership Award granted by the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE). In 2018, Dr. Starrett received the Service to the Institute Award from the ASCE-EWRI. Steve enjoys the great outdoors, fishing, visiting national parks, riding motorcycles, and attending bluegrass music festivals.


Dr. Carlos Bertha is a Professor of Philosophy at the US Air Force Academy (USAFA) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Florida (USF) in 1989.  After working at the Savannah District Corps of Engineers for 5 years, he returned to USF, this time to study philosophy. He has been at USAFA since June of 2000, teaching Ethics, Analytic Philosophy, Symbolic Logic, and Philosophy of Science. Carlos recently retired from the US Army Reserve after 30 years of service, achieving the rank of Colonel. He served a combat tour with the US Army Corps of Engineers in Gardez, Afghanistan. Carlos was an instructor for the Command and General Staff Officers Course, focusing on organizational leadership, joint doctrine, and professional ethics. His last assignment was Deputy Commander of the Army EPLO Group, under the 76th Operational Response Command, in Salt Lake City, UT. Carlos enjoys going to the beach, riding his bike, and even snowboarding when the conditions are right.

April Online Webinar Meeting - Restoration of the Catoctin Aqueduct

Join us for a Presentation on Restoration of the Catoctin Aqueduct

This contract was with the US Department of the Interior, National Park Service to completely restore the historic Catoctin Aqueduct located in Williamsport, MD.  The Catoctin Aqueduct, originally completed in 1834 as part of the C&O Canal, was in need of a complete restoration.  This talk will focus on the work involved and challenges encountered and overcome by the construction team.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by April 20th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Danielle Litardo

Danielle Litardo, Project Manager with Corman Kokosing Construction Company.  Ms. Litardo has served as project manager on bridge, roadway, and railroad construction projects having been with Corman Kokosing for over 14 years. Project highlights where she has made an impact include the historic US Arch Bridge in Howard County, Washington, DC’s distinguished landmark, the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, the award-winning Intercounty Connector in Montgomery County, and of course, the Conococheague Aqueduct on the C&O Canal in Williamsport.

March Online Webinar Meeting - Evaluation of Historic Masonry Sewer Pipes Impacted By an Advancing TBM

Join us for a Presentation on Evaluation of Historic Masonry Sewer Pipes Impacted By an Advancing TBM

The intention of this webinar is to review the structural evaluation of masonry sanitary sewer pipes impacted by an advancing Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM). The construction of new underground facilities inevitably disturbs the soil above and will have an impact on the existing masonry sanitary sewer pipes within the zone of influence of the excavation.  In this webinar standard egg-shaped section for brick sewer is subjected to ground settlements obtained using Attewell method. The greenfield condition is assumed to be applicable with homogeneous ground conditions. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by March 16th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Parsa Heydarpour Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE

Possessing an extensive analytical and technical expertise in the field of structural engineering, Dr. Heydarpour is a performance-driven structural engineer with a wide-ranging background in both structural and geotechnical engineering. He has served in different capacities ranging from design and geo-mechanical modeling of Support of Excavation (SOE) systems, analysis of existing bridges, structural modelling of buildings impacted by excavation, evaluation of masonry sewer utility lines due to settlement, geo-mechanical modeling of staged excavations for shaft and near surface structures. Dr. Heydarpour extensive background in the design and analysis, including Nonlinear Static Analysis (NSA), Nonlinear Time-History Analysis, Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), and reliability analysis of structures, including subsurface systems such as Support of Excavation (SOE).

February Online Webinar Meeting - But I'm Only On Site Once a Month: Trends in Claims Against Design Professionals Related to Construction Phase Services 

Join us for a Presentation on Trends in Claims Against Design Professionals Related to Construction Phase Services 

The construction phase services a design professional contracts to perform may be limited in scope, but – when claims happen – allegations related to the adequacy of construction phase services are common. Through a review of recent decisions addressing the different types of construction phase services performed by design professionals, and learning from the experience of others, this program will explore strategies for minimizing the risk of construction phase claims.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by January 26th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Jonathan Shoemaker

Jonathan is proud to concentrate his practice in the representation of design professionals involved in construction related disputes throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland. Jonathan believes that the best solution to most problems is often the simplest: what does the contract say? Jonathan begins every new engagement seeking to understand how the parties on a construction project elected to allocate risk and responsibility before the project, and then works with his client to develop a plan for bringing the issue to resolution as expeditiously as possible consistent with the client’s goals. Jonathan has tried cases before judges, juries, and arbitrators, and relishes the opportunity to advocate for his clients in court and in arbitration. Jonathan enjoys getting into the weeds of a dispute, deconstructing the issues presented throughout the discovery process, and then presenting the dispute clearly and concisely for the fact finder. Jonathan frequently speaks on risk management issues, best practices for design professionals, different project delivery methods, and legal updates both at in-house seminars for his clients and at programs put on by design professional organizations and insurance carriers. 

January Online Webinar Meeting - Water Loss Management to Reduce Non-Revenue Water

Join us for a Presentation on Water Loss Management to Reduce Non-Revenue Water

This presentation will briefly review the condition of Maryland’s water distribution infrastructure and then will take a deeper dive into how real time data is being used to reduce water loss and non-revenue water.  Three specific areas will be explored; sub-metering and the use of district metering areas (DMA),  leak identification and localization and pressure management.  

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

NOTE: this meeting will utilize Google Meet which will require attendees to have a Gmail account.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by January 26th, 2021

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Chuck Lacey, Jr. P.E.

Chuck has a Civil Engineering degree from the University of MD and an MBA from Loyola University. He is a licensed professional engineer in DE, MD and VA.  Upon graduation, Chuck went to work for Baltimore Gas & Electric and over a 20-year period experienced a wide range of responsibilities; including managing fly ash landfills, design and construction of electric substations and outdoor lighting.  Chuck also has extensive civil engineering experience providing design build soil improvement solutions for GeoStructures and stormwater/water quality solutions at Advanced Drainage Systems.  More recently, working for 540 Technologies (a subsidiary of LB Water), Chuck has been helping towns improve the services they provide thru smart city solutions in the areas of; intelligent lighting, smart grid, non-revenue water and AMI.

Chuck has received numerous awards over his career and is a commercial pilot. He has flown thousands of hours and flights across the County and has even flown a seaplane into the fountain of youth in Florida.

November Online Webinar Meeting - Accurate and Simplified Structural Design 

Join us for a Presentation on Accurate and Simplified Structural Design 

This structural-oriented presentation examines how to: generate code-compliant masonry building layouts and details in a very short time; understand load requirements and distribution for wind, seismic, dead, live, and snow loads; create proper structural design of concrete masonry construction and architectural configurations using standardized design methodologies; and observe illustrations of software interface, user inputs, and design outputs.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by November 17, 2020

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Jason Thompson

Jason Thompson is the Vice President of Engineering for the National Concrete Masonry Association.  His duties and responsibilities include overseeing the technical activities of the association including research and development, design, construction, and testing standards development, design resources and tools, and creating and delivering seminars and lectures covering these subjects.  Jason is also active in the development of building codes and standards for masonry structures and systems where he represents NCMA and the masonry industry through the Masonry Alliance for Codes and Standards.

Prior to joining NCMA, Jason worked at a private engineering consulting firm in Washington State.  Upon completing his graduate studies in 1997, Jason began his career with NCMA in the laboratory as the Association’s Research Engineer.  Since that time Jason has served in several evolving capacities within NCMA focusing on the structural performance of concrete masonry, research and development, codes and standards, to his current role as Vice President of Engineering.

Jason has served in several leadership and executive capacities in various forums including: Chair of the Masonry Alliance for Codes and Standards, Executive Committee of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee, Technical Activities Committee and Board of Directors for The Masonry Society, technical advisor to the Code Resource Support Committee, and the Technical Coordinating Committee of the International Code Council.

Jason lives in Northern Virginia with his wife Brittaney, whom he met while working at NCMA, and his three children, Taylor, Keira, and Jessie.

October Online Webinar Meeting - Communicating for Success - Exploring 'Habit 5' of Highly Effective People 

Join us for a Presentation on Communicating for Success

Excellent leaders are great communicators. Excellent Project Managers are great communicators. All successful people are excellent communicators. Stephen Covey, in his outstanding book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” addresses Habit 5, “Seek First to Understand and Then to be Understood” as the habit of excellent communication skills. This seminar will address various time-tested communication principles and skills including body language, active listening and persuasive speaking that help enhance your success at work and at home. We will explore ways to communicate better in person (formally and informally), over the phone, via e-mail and at meetings. We will also review the soft skills of communications that help you build a better life. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by October 20, 2020

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Joel Oppenheimer,  P.E.

Joel Oppenheimer is a Senior Vice President at STV Incorporated overseeing their Maryland Transportation and Infrastructure practice. He has more than 40 years of planning and engineering experience, a Masters Degree in Engineering Administration and is a professional engineer in Maryland and 8 other states. He began inspirational/motivational speaking in 2004 and has presented various seminars of his “Building a Better Life—Concrete Steps for Success” program more than 350 times. 

September Online Webinar Meeting - Infrastructure and the Economic Impact of Inaction

Join us for a Presentation on Infrastructure and the Economic Impact of Inaction

Our nation is at a crossroads. Deteriorating infrastructure is impeding our ability to compete in the thriving global economy, and improvements are necessary to ensure our country is built for the future. While we have made some progress, reversing the trajectory after decades of underinvestment in our infrastructure requires transformative action from Congress, states, infrastructure owners, and the American people.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has made a difficult situation worse.

A sizable portion of our existing infrastructure systems are supported with user-generated revenue streams. Because of local government mandated lock-downs, commercial water use is down, commuters are staying off the roads and away from transit, and airports are virtually empty.  And to make matters worse, local, and state budgets are buckling due to a lack of revenues, all of which means less support for infrastructure, precisely at the time we should be investing.

From reducing non-revenue water to intelligent parking, many towns and municipalities are discovering how to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to automate and optimize the services they provide.   This presentation will provide an overview of state of Maryland’s infrastructure (ASCE report card), a review of the transformative technological changes that are currently underway, followed by a discussion of how the internet of things and automation can be used to improve the services a town, city or municipality provides. 

Two specific areas that will be discussed in detail are methods being used to reduce non-revenue water and automation/management of parking within municipalities. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by September 15, 2020

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Chuck Lacey, Jr. PE 

Chuck has a Civil Engineering degree from the University of MD and an MBA from Loyola University.   He is a licensed professional engineer in MD and VA.

Upon graduation, Chuck went to work for Baltimore Gas & Electric and over a 20-year period experienced a wide range of responsibilities; including managing fly ash landfills, design and construction of electric substations and outdoor lighting. 

Chuck also has extensive civil engineering experience providing design build soil improvement solutions for GeoStructures and stormwater/water quality solutions at Advanced Drainage Systems. 

More recently, working for 540 Technologies, Chuck has been helping towns improve the services they provide thru smart city solutions in the areas of; intelligent lighting, smart grid, non-revenue water and AMI. 

June Online Webinar Meeting - Silver Line Metro Extension Project

Join us for a Presentation on the Silver Line Metro Extension Project. 

Please join Tom Crone and Jill Hubbard as they present on the Silver Line Metro Extension Project.  This talk will cover a history of the Silver Line, the construction of the project, and the current status.  The Silver Line is an extension to the WMATA system that will allow passengers to take the metro all the way out to Dulles International Airport and beyond.  It is being built in two Phases.  Phase 1 included over 11 miles of track, 5 new stations, and opened in July of 2014.  Phase 2 is currently under construction and includes over 11 miles of track, 6 new stations, and a new rail yard.    

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by June 14, 2020

Register Here

May Online Webinar Meeting - Engineering Ethics - RESCHEDULED FOR JUNE 3RD

Due to technical difficulties this online webinar has been rescheduled 

Join us for a Presentation and Discussion about Engineering Ethics

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM,

Online Webinar - lunch not provided


Please RSVP by May 29, 2020

Register Here

Speaker Bio

Tara Hoke is the General Counsel at ASCE and a member of the Virginia bar.  Her responsibilities for ASCE include legal consultation in the areas of employment, tax, corporate, contract, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust, intellectual property, real estate, and construction law.  Ms. Hoke oversees ASCE's professional conduct committee, and writes a monthly column A Question of Ethics , which is published in Civil Engineering magazine. Tara serves as a Council member for the Committee on Publication Ethics, a nonprofit organization established to provide guidance to journal editors and publishers on publication ethics. 

Cancelled - March Luncheon Meeting - I-495 / I-270 Managed Lanes Study

The Presentation on I-495 / I-270 Managed Lanes Study has been cancelled due to COVID19 concerns.  Any online payments could be returned or applied to a future luncheon. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bios

Lisa B. Choplin has 32 years of experience in transportation and 20 years focused on alternative project delivery methods including Design-Build, Construction Management at Risk, and Progressive Design-Build.  Lisa is currently the Director of the I-495/I-270 P3 Office at the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA).   

Jeff Folden has 17 years of experience at MDOT and 14 years focused on alternative project delivery methods such as Design-Build.  Jeff is currently the Deputy Director of the I-495/I-270 P3 Office at the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration.   

February Luncheon Meeting - Wet Basement Causation Investigation; Expert Opinion and Testimony 

Join us for a Presentation on Wet Basement Causation; Expert Opinion and Testimony. The Presentation will cover: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. Mark W. Eisner, P.G. is a Vice President of Advanced Land and Water, LLC A Barton and Loguidice subsidary. (ALWL). Possessing over three decades of experience in environmental and hydrogeological consulting, Mr. Eisner directs hydrogeologic and hydrologic investigations for both private and public sector clients throughout our Mid-Atlantic region and beyond.   

Mr. Eisner’s foremost technical expertise is in matters relating to water resources, including the occurrence, movement, use and management of both groundwater and surface water as a natural resource, its susceptibility and properties when contaminated, and in methods for its safe and sustainable development, and when necessary, its remediation. He is a licensed Professional Geologist in all Mid-Atlantic States that have regulatory licensure and certification programs (DE, PA and VA). 

Mr. Eisner is a former permit processor and water resources manager with the State of Maryland; many present Maryland policies of water supply planning, permitting, management and protection originated during Mr. Eisner’s tenure with the agency. On numerous occasions, Mr. Eisner has testified as an expert on matters related to groundwater resources, surface water resources, hydrogeological conditions, environmental contamination and due diligence studies. Specific areas of his technical expertise include mathematical modeling of hydrogeologic systems, pumping tests, and groundwater contamination investigation and remediation.  

January Luncheon Meeting - Concrete Repair and Protection

Join us for a Presentation on Concrete Repair and Protection. The Presentation will cover: 

Learn about the root causes of concrete deterioration, conducting a condition survey, and the selection of repair and protection strategies.   Building facades, balconies, and parking garages are the primary structures of focus.

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, January 15, 2020, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Joel Ertter is in his sixth year as a Sales Representative for Sika Corporation, where he handles a growing territory covering Northern Virginia, DC, and Maryland. He graduated from the University of Maryland in 2014 with a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering. While in school he interned at the Naval Academy working with Matlab to study twin screw extrusion. In his time with Sika he has become well versed in many restoration applications such as concrete repair, structural strengthening with carbon fiber, waterproofing, and more. 

December Luncheon Meeting - Overview of Load Testing for Deep Foundations

Join us for a Presentation on Load Testing for Deep Foundations. The Presentation will cover: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. Scarborough is employed by Specialized Engineering, here in Frederick since 2017.  He is a Diplomate (D.GE) of ASCE’s Academy of Geo-Professionals with a bachelor’s degree  (BSCE) from the University of Virginia, and graduate degrees from the University of Tennessee and Virginia Tech.  He has more than 25 years of experience as a Geotechnical Engineer, is a registered Professional Engineer in 7 states, and has published more than 20 books and papers. 

November Luncheon Meeting - The Civil Engineering Profession: Fifty Back and Five Ahead

Join us for a Presentation on The Civil Engineering Profession: Fifty Back and Five Ahead. The Presentation will cover: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. Gajanan Sabnis, PhD, PE is a long-time professional civil engineer, who has been active in teaching, industrial and research experience totaling to over five decades, most of it in the United States. His experience with various types of concrete structures, technical and professional committees at national level and in construction management is important for any one in Civil engineering and is a great resource of information at national and local levels. He was elected Distinguished Member of ASCE in 2002. Dr. Sabnis has worked with Deloitte after retiring from Howard and spent two years between India and US to develop and managed projects in India and in the UAE. Currently, he splits time between India and USA in advising on project financing and also related to infrastructure report card to promote the concept of structural health monitoring of bridges to lead to sustainable structures, based his long-term experience in the USA. 

October Luncheon Meeting - Installation and Inspection of Post-Installed Anchors

Join us for a Presentation on Installation and Inspection of Post-installed Anchors. The Presentation will cover: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mark Jarvinen has been practicing structural engineering, concrete repair and strengthening, and exterior building envelope consulting for 30 years.  His structural engineering experience ranges from adaptive reuse of historic structures to new building designs of structural steel, reinforced masonry, reinforced concrete, and wood.  His exterior building envelope experience includes work involving above and below grade waterproofing, roofing, exterior cladding, masonry and building stone, windows, and doors.  Mark’s past project responsibilities include, structural investigation, report writing, structural design, specification writing, construction cost estimating, construction administration, and field testing and inspection.   

Mark has been a member of the Simpson Strong-Tie Company’s Field Engineering Team since 2007.  As an employee of Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Mark’s primary responsibilities include educating and supporting design professionals and specifiers relating to Code-compliant specification, design, installation, field inspection and testing of post-installed anchor and repair products for concrete and masonry.  Mark also provides design and specification support and technical training related to Simpson Strong-Tie’s FRP Composite Strengthening Systems (CSS) and pile repair system (FX-70). 

Mark has been professionally registered as a Structural Engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts since March 9, 1995, an active member of the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), and certified as an ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installer.  

September Luncheon Meeting - Monorail Option for I-495 at I-270 P3 Project 

Join us for a Presentation on the Monorail option for the I-495 at I-270 P3 Project. Topics Include: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, September 18, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. Robert Eisinger is the driving force behind the idea to bring an elevated monorail to the I-270 corridor as a cost effective way to relieve congestion.  Mr. Eisinger was able to persuade the Maryland Secretary of Transportation, Peter K. Rahn, to include a monorail as one of the options in the I-495/I-270 Managed Lanes Study. 

As Principal and Managing Member of Promark Partners, Robert Eisinger oversees all aspects of daily operations and its investment portfolio. Mr. Eisinger’s career has encompassed all aspects of commercial real estate development, investment and management. After managing a Service Corporation within a local financial institution, Bob worked part time for Eisinger, Kilbane & Associates (EKA) while attending George Washington University MBA program. Bob is a lifelong resident of Montgomery County, MD.  His alma maters include American University and George Washington University, and he holds a B.S. in Finance from Indiana University, Bloomington.

June Luncheon Meeting - Maryland Delegate Neil Parrott - I-270 at I-495 and 2019 Legislative Session 

Maryland Delegate Neil Parrott returns to the Catoctin Branch to discuss the 2019 legislative session and how it impacted the engineering and construction community.  He will also give us an update on what is happening with the I-270 and I-495 P3 Project. 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, June 19, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Neil Parrott has his BSCE from the University of Maryland and a Masters in Business Administration from Mount St. Mary’s University.  He served with the Maryland SHA for over 14 years and served as the Deputy Director of Public Works - Engineering for the City of Frederick for one year.  He founded Traffic Solutions, Inc. in 2003 and is located in Hagerstown, MD.  Neil is a lifelong Marylander and has been the Maryland General Assembly Delegate for District 2A representing most of Washington County since 2010.   

May Luncheon Meeting - Subsurface Utility Locating

Join us for a Presentation on Subsurface Utility Locating. Topics Include: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made out to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. David DeSimone is a business development representative at Master Locators… a full-service subsurface utility engineering support firm. 

Master Locators provide GPR and EM Scanning, Concrete Scanning, Vacuum Excavation and CCTV Pipe Inspection. Our tagline “because what’s underneath matters” speaks to more than just what’s underground, it’s part of the core fiber that separates us from our competitors. The deep respect we have for our customers and employees is the foundation for which all decisions are made. In just fifteen short years we have developed a “unique 7- step process” that enables us to set our standard bar quite high. The passion we have is at the heart of our company by continuously being responsive, moving forward, innovating, and improving. We pride ourselves on operating with integrity and honesty, treating our customers with the utmost respect. 

May 8th Networking Event - Attaboy Beer in Frederick, MD

Join the Young Professionals from ASCE - Catoctin Branch and ABC Cumberland Valley Chapter for a joint networking event at ATTABOY BEER in Frederick!

Registration is FREE and includes a drink token and inclusion in a raffle drawing for some great prizes!


ATTABOY BEER 400 Sagner Avenue #400 Frederick, MD 21701

We look forward to seeing you there!

Register Here 

April Meeting - Engineering Ethics

Join us for a Presentation and Discussion about Engineering Ethics

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Tara Hoke is the General Counsel at ASCE and a member of the Virginia bar.  Her responsibilities for ASCE include legal consultation in the areas of employment, tax, corporate, contract, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust, intellectual property, real estate, and construction law.  Ms. Hoke oversees ASCE's professional conduct committee, and writes a monthly column A Question of Ethics , which is published in Civil Engineering magazine. Tara serves as a Council member for the Committee on Publication Ethics, a nonprofit organization established to provide guidance to journal editors and publishers on publication ethics. 

March Meeting - Maryland State Highway Administration Mapping

Join us for a Presentation on Maryland State Highway Administration Mapping. Topics Include: 

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Andrew Bernish is a transportation planner and GIS analyst with the KFH Group and is currently contracted with the Maryland Department of Transportation's Office of the Secretary. 

Andrew is also a member of the faculty in George Washington University's Sustainable Urban Planning Department where he teaches a Principles of Urban Planning course and co-leads international planning studios in South Korea, Bangladesh, and Kazakhstan. Andrew served in South Africa with the US Peace Corps in the Education and Community Resource Program. Andrew serves as George Washington University's Faculty Representative to the National Capital Area Chapter of the American Planning Association and the webmaster for the Maryland Chapter of the American Planning Association. 

He holds a master's degree in Community Planning from the University of Maryland and a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

RESCHEDULED - February Meeting - Who is Liable for Flooding of Adjacent and Nearby Properties? 

Join us for a Presentation on Liability for Flooding of Adjacent and Nearby Properties. Topics Include:

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour


Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Ari Storch is a member of the Miles & Stockbridge Real Estate & Transactional Finance Practice Group.  He focuses on the acquisition and disposition of commercial real estate and on real estate financing and leasing. Prior to attending law school, he worked in real estate development and management for nearly 10 years.

Ari also represents a wide range of tax-exempt organizations, advising on formation and qualification, corporate governance, and related matters. He regularly provides pro bono services to local nonprofit organizations.

At Georgetown University Law Center, where he graduated with honors, Ari was a staff member on The Tax Lawyer, a quarterly journal published by the American Bar Association’s Section of Taxation.

January Meeting - Concrete Repair and Protection

Join us for a Presentation on Concrete Repair and Protection. Topics include:

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. Farley graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering.  He has worked with Sika Corporation for five years.  He is currently the Refurbishment and Sealing and Bonding representative for Maryland and Washington, D.C. Region.

December Meeting - Advances in LiDAR Mapping Technologies to Serve Civil and Construction Engineers

Join us for a Presentation on Advances in LiDAR Technologies. Topics include:

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, December 19, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Qassim Abdullah is an accomplished scientist with more than 40 years of combined industrial, research and development, and academic experience in analytical photogrammetry, digital remote sensing, and civil and surveying engineering. His current responsibilities include designing and managing strategic programs to develop and implement new remote sensing technologies focused on meeting the evolving needs of geospatial users. Currently, Dr. Abdullah is the Chief Scientist for Woolpert Geospatial Services and a member of Woolpert Labs team. In addition, Dr. Abdullah serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and at Penn State teaching graduate courses on UAS, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

His latest accomplishments include evaluating and introducing the Geiger and single photon LiDAR to the geospatial industry and leading Woolpert research activities in the field of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), its sensor calibration, and its workflow development.  Dr. Abdullah obtained his doctorate and master degrees in photogrammetry from the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Abdullah publishes a monthly column “Mapping Matters”, in the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) journal PE&RS. During 2017, Dr. Abdullah was elected as a Fellow in the ASPRS and he is the recipient of several prestigious awards such as the ASPRS 2010 Photogrammetric Fairchild award, the ASPRS Outstanding Service award for publishing the monthly column “Mapping Matter” for more than 10 years, the ASPRS Presidential Citation award in recognition to his contributions in co-authoring the new “Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data”, and the ASPRS Outstanding Workshop Instructor award. Dr. Abdullah is a certified photogrammetrist by ASPRS and licensed professional surveyor and mapper with the states of Florida, Oregon, Virginia, and South Carolina. He is also a certified thermographer by the FLIR Infrared Training Center and a Certified GEOINT Professional in Remote Sensing and Imagery Analysis (CGP-R) by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF).

November Meeting - Without Just Compensation: A Presentation on Eminent Domain

Join us for a Presentation titled: Without Just Compensation. Topics include:

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. James Baer has been an active member of the Maryland Bar for 49 years and is admitted in the District of Columbia.  He is am a member of the Bar of the U.S. District Courts for Maryland and the District of Columbia, the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Court of Claims and of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Mr. Baer obtained his undergraduate degree in 1966 from Ursinus College and his law degree in 1969 from the University of Virginia School of Law. He was a law clerk to an Associate Judge of the Maryland Court of Special Appeals 1969-1970.  He was in private practice centered in Montgomery County, Maryland from 1970 to 2001 specializing in construction litigation and trust and estate litigation. From 2001-2011 he was Vice President for Development for Ursinus College.  From 2008-2015 he was Attorney in Residence at Ursinus and created the Center for Legal Studies. During that time he taught Property, Business Law, Dispute Resolution and Constitutional Law. 

He and his wife, Sally, retired in 2015 and moved to Frederick. Since 2016 he has been teaching Constitutional Law in the Frederick Community College Institute for Learning in Retirement including Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, Search and Seizure, Property, Due Process and Equal Protection.  

October Meeting - Flexible Vs. Rigid Pipe Design

Join us for a discussion on Flexible and Rigid Pipe Design. Topics include:

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

For the past two years Don Grieco has been the territory manager for Advance Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS) in the central Maryland region. Don came to ADS after a 19-year run as a civil contractor with nine of those years managing and estimating projects that include heavy highway, commercial and planned neighborhood/development construction. His attention to detail, extensive application knowledge and drive to be on the cutting edge of material and equipment technology; made him a valuable resource to the Maryland construction market for contractors, municipalities and the engineering community being involved from project concept to close out. Don grew up in civil construction and enjoys educating the next generation or new people to the industry by demonstrating good installation; using best practice to ensure the longest possible service life.

September Meeting - Large Block Retaining Wall Systems

Join us for a discussion on Large Block Retaining Wall Systems. Topics include:

Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, September 19, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

J. Scott Mathie serves as Redi-Rock International’s Business Consultant for Northeast North America involving the Land Development, Government, Transportation, Utilities, and Water sectors.  Scott has a background in management consulting and government lobbying with construction, transportation, and water related businesses, organizations, and government entities.  

June Meeting - Ground Vibration Control during Demolition of K-Bridge

Join us for a discussion on Ground Vibration Control during the Demolition of K-Bridge

 Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Patrick T. Hastings, Jr., G.I.T. Senior Geophysicist/Project Manager Seismic Surveys, Inc. 

Patrick has his M.S. in Geology and Geophysics from University of Minnesota at Twin Cities. His did his undergraduate studies in Geology at University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.  Since 2013, he has specialized in the field of Blasting Seismology with Seismic Surveys, Inc. in Frederick, MD. His expertise includes vibration and sound monitoring and control, pre- and post-construction structure inspections, and use of geotechnical and structural instrumentation.   

David K. Miller, P.G. President/Principal Geologist Seismic Surveys, Inc. 

David has his B.S. in Geology from University of Maryland.  He is a licensed Professional Geologist in Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia.  Since 1989, he has specialized in the field of Blasting Seismology.  He founded Seismic Surveys, Inc. in Frederick, MD in 2001.   

May Meeting - Soil Reinforcement for Slopes

Join us for a discussion on Soil Reinforcement for Slopes.  Topics include:

 Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Mr. Scarborough is employed by Specialized Engineering, here in Frederick since 2017.  He is a Diplomate (D.GE) of ASCE’s Academy of Geo-Professionals with a bachelor’s degree  (BSCE) from the University of Virginia, and graduate degrees from the University of Tennessee and Virginia Tech.  He has more than 25 years of experience as a Geotechnical Engineer, is a registered Professional Engineer in 7 states, and has published more than 20 books and papers. 

April Meeting - Modular Concrete Underground Stormwater Systems: Applications & Advantages

Join us for a discussion on Modular Concrete Underground Stormwater Systems.  Topics include:

 Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Doug Statler is a Territory Manager for StormTrap, which is a Chicagoland based international company that designs and manufactures stormwater and water quality systems.  He covers DC, MD, Western PA, VA and WV.  Doug has been in the construction industry for 27 years and specifically in civil construction for 21 years.  He spent 20 years in the segmental retaining wall industry, most recently having worked for York Building Products for 11 years, before making a transition to stormwater in the fall of 2016.  Doug is a member of the CWEA Stormwater Committee, the PWEA Stormwater Committee, and is actively attending and presenting at industry events.

March Meeting - Engineering Ethics - RESCHEDULED

Rescheduled due to inclement weather. 

Join us for a discussion on Engineering Ethics. Be sure to fulfill the required Ethics PDH for continuing education requirements. 

 Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members

Register Here or email:

Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Tara Hoke is the General Counsel at ASCE and a member of the Virginia bar.  Her responsibilities for ASCE include legal consultation in the areas of employment, tax, corporate, contract, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust, intellectual property, real estate, and construction law.  Ms. Hoke oversees ASCE's professional conduct committee, and writes a monthly column A Question of Ethics , which is published in Civil Engineering magazine. Tara serves as a Council member for the Committee on Publication Ethics, a nonprofit organization established to provide guidance to journal editors and publishers on publication ethics. 

February Meeting - Gravity Walls and their Advantages over CIP and MSE Panel Systems

Join us for a discussion on the benefits of Gravity Wall Systems, providing solutions for site specific land development projects.

 Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, February 21, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members


Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Speaker Bio

Rick Dorsey with Stone Strong of Maryland.  Stone Strong of Maryland has been producing Stone Strong Blocks for over a decade. With a record for stability that is second to none.  Rick Dorsey in his short tender has had the opportunity to work on some of the most challenging retaining wall projects in the region utilizing the Stone Strong Gravity Wall System.  Rick received his Bachelor of Science from University of Baltimore in 1993.

January Meeting - Concrete Paving 101 – Overlays and Full Depth Reclamation (FDR)

Join us for a discussion of applicable uses of three concrete pavement systems, parking lots, overlays, and full depth reclamation.

 Each attendee will receive 1.0 Professional Development Hour

Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 11:30 AM, Luncheon

Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

$25.00, ASCE  Members, $30.00  Non-Members


Checks made  out  to  ASCE-MD, may be paid at the door.

Thomas Evans of MRMCA & Robert E. Hackman, P.E. of ACPA

Mr. Evans has been immersed in the ready mixed concrete industry since 1989 accepting a variety of responsibilities including plant operations, batching, dispatching, placing, finishing, sales, marketing, promotion, education and advocacy. Tom is the Executive Director of the membership of the Maryland Ready Mix Concrete Association (MRMCA or The Association). Tom is also a Past President of and current Director on the MD Chapter of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Board. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from West Virginia University in 1987.

Mr. Hackman is currently a Senior Consultant for GeoMaterials Consulting, LLC, currently representing American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), and has over 35 years of experience related to geotechnical engineering, pavement design, and construction materials evaluations. Mr. Hackman has been evaluating and designing concrete and asphalt pavements since the early 1980s and has experienced the pros and cons of each pavement material. He was previously the responsible engineer-in-charge for a full service office of a national engineering firm, and now has his own firm providing consulting services ranging from peer review of reports to forensic studies to litigation support for clients seeking unbiased opinions related to geotechnical and construction materials issues.

Speaker Bio